ARS 63rd Annual Meeting

American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting September 8-9th 2017 in Chicago

With the back to school season quickly approaching, we are looking forward to the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Rhinologic Society which seeks to bring in the most respected names in the industry from all over the world to collaborate and share ideas. The 2017 conference will be held at the Renaissance Downtown Hotel in Chicago IL.

Dr. Setzen will be presenting as a panelist on the Mini-Seminar, “Coding for the Rhinologist” September 8-9th, 2017. Here are some of the topics he will cover:

  • Complying with the recent changes to MIPS and MACRA.
  • Understanding the newest Coding guidelines for 2017.
  • Ensuring a smooth and seamless transition to the new system.
  • Implementing the latest Quality Control Measures.
  • Additional changes coming down the pipeline and how they relate to the practice of Rhinology

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