Septoplasty/Sinus Surgery & Rhinoplasty
Instructions for Post Operative Care
Septoplasty/Sinus Surgery and Rhinoplasty
- Keep head elevated on two pillows. Change gauze pads as needed. If packing is placed, this will be removed within the first two to three days.
- Take oral antibiotics and decongestants if prescribed. Saline nasal sprays are to be started after packing is removed.
- Use cool mist humidifier in bedroom.
- Take Tylenol or Tylenol with Codeine as prescribed. Do not take aspirin or aspirin containing compounds such as Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Naprosyn, etc. , two weeks prior to and two weeks after surgery.
- Liquid diet for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours increasing to soft foods and your regular diet as tolerated.
- No heavy exercising, aerobics or lifting for two weeks.
- No nose blowing for two weeks.
- Notify Dr. Setzen if there is persistent bright red blood from the mouth or nose.
- No hot or spicy foods and no hot baths for the first week.
For Rhinoplasty Patients, please follow all of the above, plus:
- Nasal cast may stay on for one week. Black and blue may be present for one to two weeks.
- Ice compresses around the eyes for the first twenty-four hours.
- No eye glasses on nose for six weeks. No contact sports for six weeks. Tape eye glasses to forehead or wear contact lenses.
- No hot showers above the neck for one week.
- Avoid direct prolonged sun exposure to nose for six to twelve months. Use no less than 20 SPF lotion on nose.
- Suggested herbal therapy to control bruising – SinEcch or Arnica (obtain from vitamin or health store).