Balloon Sinus Dilation

Balloon Sinus Dilation

“After suffering nasal congestion, ear stuffiness and pain and sinus headaches for several years, I decided I needed to do something about it. I remembered Dr. Setzen who had removed my son’s tonsils some years earlier and promptly made an appointment. At my initial examination, he discovered how closed up my nasal passages had become and proceeded to explain a procedure he could perform to open them up. As it could be done in office and with no down time, I was very interested. The following week I returned to his office for my balloon sinus dilation which took about one hour. My nose was anesthetized and I was comfortable throughout the procedure. That evening, I didn’t even need Tylenol and the next morning I awoke without a sinus headache for the first time in years!! I have felt so much better ever since and I’m so glad I did it. Dr. Setzen called me at home to see how I was doing and I had several follow up visits to check the healing process.”

~ Randy on April 20, 2016

Our Locations

Location Map: 130 East 77th Street New York, NY 10075
600 Northern Blvd.
Suite 113
Great Neck, NY 11021

Tel: 516-829-0045
Fax: 516-829-0441

Location Map: 600 Northern Blvd. Great Neck, NY 11021
130 East 77th Street
10th Floor
New York, NY 10075

Tel: 516-829-0045
Fax: 516-829-0441

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