After Septoplasty, breathing better, chronic congestion gone
- Posted on: Jul 20 2013
After Septoplasty, breathing better, chronic congestion gone
“I struggled with multiple sinus infections per year, pressure, sinus headaches, chronic sinusitis, congestion all year round, bad post nasal drip and sports induced asthma, all with no relief from any oral or spray medication, and I would highly recommend Dr. Setzen after having surgery done. There were no black eyes and I was able to return to rigorous activities after 10 days. He is very personable and even called my home to check up after the surgery to see how I was doing. I guarantee you will have a great experience with Dr. Setzen, as did I. I breathe better, the congestion and pressure is gone, and post nasal drip is greatly reduced. Running and lifting during the past week, I have not even a minor asthma attack or felt restricted breathing at all. It’s only been about 2 weeks and I am already very happy I got this operation done.”
~ Chad Tomassetti on July 20, 2013