Our go-to ENT doctor… the best
- Posted on: Jun 6 2018
Our go-to ENT doctor… the best
Dr. Michael Setzen, my ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor had noticed my symptoms of gastric reflux and he wanted to further examine me to confirm his diagnosis and to make sure I did not have any unhealthy tissue. He scheduled and then performed a TNE (trans-nasal esophagoscopy) procedure in his office. Before he used an ultra-thin scope called an esophagoscope, he numbed it up my nose and throat with a topical medicine spray. He then inserted the scope ever so gently through my nose. He was able to examine and video record the entire path from my nose through my vocal cords all the way to my stomach. He also was able to take samples to biopsy (happily all clear). I chose not to have the procedure performed by a gastroenterologist as an outpatient at a hospital because it would have required a lot of my time, an IV or other medication to make me drowsy during the procedure. That all would have been necessary if I had scheduled an upper endoscopy with a gastroenterologist as a hospital outpatient instead of with Dr. Setzen. I have to admit I was nervous and afraid I would gag during the procedure, however his experience, skills and calming nature kept me relaxed throughout the exam and allowed him to complete the entire exam in less than 5 minutes. With Dr. Setzen there was no pain, no gagging, no lost time (compare to if I had gone with a gastroenterologist) and best of all… instant feedback as to what was learned during the exam. No doubt about it, Dr. Setzen is the best.
– June 6, 2018